Cycling, blindness and vision loss

I was contacted by a lady through this website and we have managed to onboard the RNIB (Royal National Association for the Blind) to see if they can help out –

What is a quite obvious problem to some –, is massively overlooked by others – I’m looking at all three of you East Sussex County Council, Hastings Police and Hastings Council.

Please visit her page on facebook – and maybe we can workout how to untie this muddled thinking of everyone we’ve tried to contact with the simple message – help! I’m having trouble navigating and even being aware of cyclists until the last minute because x,y or z, and I know others are having trouble, please do something about it.

Her name’s Justine and she needs your support.  The rudeness this registered blind lass has encountered from cyclists is fucking unbelievable.  So get over there and help.  Even if you don’t have a clue how to help, get over there and just say hello.  Thanks.

Bikes left on floor

Would you spot these if you had a visual impairment?

In other news, I am still alive and still managing to make no headway.  Who would ever have thought that asking the authorities to ensure that the law is abided by, would be so problematic?  Why so difficult to understand that letting cyclists ride wherever they want, might disadvantage some people that the laws are there to protect?

Well apparently, though shalt not be negative about cycling in any way.  When even a national organisation dedicated to safe streets for pedestrians is telling you ‘…but roads are dangerous and therefore cyclists need to cycle on pavements’, you know things are bad.

I haven’t updated because no-one is viewing my posts, except for Eastern European hacker collectives and typing makes me feel like rot.

Until next years post…goodbye.

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