Above: David Hasselhoff and his KITT cycle. David is asking cyclists in Hastings to stop their dangerous cycling, fit lights or get Hoff their cycles after dark. Thanks Dave!
I feel like I’m going mad. Am I the only person who is noticing this? I’m talking about the sharp increase in the number of cyclists who are riding after dark without lights. Yes, cycling without lights. After dark. Both on the road and on pavements. Why is no-one doing anything? Why are the police driving past these cyclists without stopping them?
I’m afraid my phone camera is not really up to the challenge of night-shots so please excuse the poor quality images.
Above: Our theme. Dangerous night time cycling. He is about to cross the road using the pedestrian crossing without warning.
You won’t find the pro-cycling groups talking about this. They’re certainly campaigning for more safe zones for cyclists but part of what makes the roads unsafe is the complete lack of awareness of what makes for safe cycling. I’ll have to post on that. The way people use the roads is horrific. Talking to school age children has revealed that none of them has undergone cycle training. It wasn’t even offered!
In the course of my enquiries, I discovered that the secretary of my property management company had a close encounter (third paragraph down) with a cyclist without lights.
Lest you read this and think I am the Anti-Cyclist, know that I am a cyclist who currently can’t cycle. And a pedestrian. I am also ill and have been hit hard by cyclists a number of times. Cyclists without lights is troublesome for me as a pedestrian, more so as an ill one. It makes cyclists so much harder to see when they are on the pavements and they are increasingly on the pavements.
Continue reading “Dangerous Cycling – The Nightriders of Hastings”