Sussex Coast College – Disappointing experiences seeking help.

Read More Sussex Coast College, Hastings

Having moved from St.Leonards in 2010, Sussex Coast College (formerly Hastings College) is one of the first things you see as you arrive in Hastings and leave the train station.

As you leave the station you are often greeted by the site of students and teachers smoking outside the college. The ground is littered with gum and fag butts and at particularly busy times, students can stretch from right outside the front doors, right across to the road and people arriving or leaving the station will have to ziz-zag through students. Often the odd skateboard or two is careering across the path. This whole scene was for some years, framed rather depressingly, by the mediocre message writ large on a banner, that Ofsted had rated the colleges teaching as satisfactory (now rating at good).

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Priory Meadow, Sussex Coast College and my ankle

Read More The statue - The Spirit of Cricket in Priory Meadow, Hastings

Above:  It’s just not cricket.  I got hit by a skateboarder at Priory Meadow, Hastings.  It wouldn’t be my last collision.


About two years ago, I was walking through Priory Meadow, Hastings, when a young man on a skateboard came flying towards me, his Sussex Coast College pass flapping around his neck. He looked straight at me, the intent in the eyes said ‘get out of my way’. However, I am ill.  At the time, I was suffering from slowed reactions.  Although he was about 4 meters away, with time to move, he didn’t want to.


Yes, that’s my ankle he’s gone straight into. Ow. F@#k. What a …

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